New Android App ready to use!


     We "StaRusian" inform our studens that a new Android App is ready to be downloaded following the link below:

Download our App (please note our app (we appreciate  5 stars :) ) and leave a comment)

    The Android App is based on the StaRusian youtube channel. It is created to help our students to be in touch with our classes and to be notified of our live videos. Our program is aimed at making learning Russian as easy as possible. It covers different levels - starting from the very beginning to advanced level. We hopefully will be promoting the new application which will cover the whole classes of our program and make Russian grammar easy to understand.

 What's next? 

The StaRusian App which version 1.0.1 is just a youtube video based channel. We aim  to develop as well an IOS app and release a new performed App which will give an access not only to the Videos but to our Educational program as well. 

We are working hard to make our services better.  Please, share, like and comment; We really appreciate it. 

 Our App view;


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