Russian professions vocabulary | Learn Russian for free

    Do you remember how to say a teacher, a pupil or a student? Well, if no, in this lesson we will repeat what we had in our last class.

 As you see in this picture, the Russian language has feminine and masculine gender and every time you come across with new words you have to take into consideration to which gender it belongs:

For example,

    The word   "Учитель" as masculine and the word "Учительница" as feminine gender.


    As you hopefully noticed, in any language there are so many words borrowed from another language. So both Russian and English are no exception. If we take the English language we'll find so many words borrowed from French and vice versa. For example: coup d'État...

In the Russian language we see many borrowed words from English, such as a designer, an architect (which is spelled differently with the "x" and is pronounced like the "j" in Spanish like in Jamas).

    Keep in mind that not all the words have both feminine and masculine gender like the words (a programmer or a lawyer). OH YEAH !! I bet you are thinking it's hard to learn Russian ? Well, that's Wrong as I have already told you - such exceptions are in every language!

    And the last but not the least is this little text. We believe that if you have followed all our classes, YOU can make one like in the given example ...

    Wait, let me give you a trick to finish with today's vocabulary...

80%  of the words which end in English with ATION are similar in Russian, they turn into:

ация (but the pronunciation is different of course), For example: 

Administration - Администрация

Provocation - Провокация

Moderation - Модерация

Transformation - Трансформация  

    PS: don't turn all the words which ends with ATION into АЦИЯ like you would think "dude i can speak Russian, i know so many words". The last time I was teaching one of my students, I told her about this rule when suddenly she said: " OH that's great 'эдукация' ".

      It doesn't work like that.'Of course, not all the words dear, but at least i was happy she got the hint.

    That's it for today, dear Friends. I hope you enjoy learning with Starusian (i'm tired saying Starusian everytime i guess i would have better chosen just my name Aliia). Well, if you like today's class, leave a comment, share and follow --at least if you are reading... or does anybody check my blog ? i guess I am the only one who created a site, writes articles, publishes them, reads them by my own and comments even :) :) ...



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