Possessive pronouns in the Russian Language


Russian possessive pronouns

Today we are going to learn one of the essentials of the Russian grammar – Possessive Pronouns (Притяжательные местоимения).

In the Russian language the Possessive pronouns agree in gender, number and case (to be learnt later) with the following noun, i.e. what’s possessed. Besides, they usually have 4 forms: masculine, feminine, neuter and one for plurals.

Let’s begin with the first person pronouns (Я, Мы).

You see the endings define the gender and number, remember them, then it’ll all be easy peasy.

I "MY"


The second personal pronouns Ты, Вы




The third person pronouns are next. Their possessives are the easiest because they have only 1 form (!) instead of 4.





Ok dear friends! i bet you feel a little bit  dizzy with this class .. before we move on let me tell you a Russian joke ! try to read it in Russian then see the translation bellow ... okey koki?

Учи́тельница спра́шивает у Па́влика:
— Кем ты хо́чешь стать, когда́ вы́растешь?
Павлик отвеча́ет:
— Когда́ вы́расту, я хочу́ жени́ться, покупа́ть жене́ бриллиа́нты, вози́ть её на куро́рты, дари́ть шу́бы, води́ть её в рестора́ны, и купи́ть ей ферра́ри.
— Молоде́ц, Па́влик. А ты Во́вочка, кем хо́чешь стать, когда́ вы́растешь?
— Ра́ньше хоте́л стать космона́втом, а тепе́рь — жено́й Па́влика.


The teacher asks Pavlik:
- What do you want to become when you grow up?
Pavlik answers:
- When I grow up, I want to get married, buy diamonds for my wife, take her to resorts, give her fur coats, take her to restaurants, buy her a Ferrari and many other things.
- Good, Pavlik. And you, Vovochka, what do you want to be when you grow up?
- I used to want to be an astronaut, but now I want to be Pavlik’s wife. 

 HAHAHA ... is it funny? no ? :( well leave us a comment and tell us if you laughed ...

Now let's continue with the possessive pronouns...






Oooh that was a bit hard. Now have a look at all the possessive pronouns on the table. 


Now you need only to practice and practice again. Try the question word Чей? (Whose?).

Not to discourage you but to let know more beforehand about this word.

It has 4 forms (!).

Чей - masculine singular

Чья – feminine singular

Чьё -neuter singular

Чьи – plural


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