How to say different types of Food in Russian

 Hi Dear Friends! 

It's high time to learn some Food vocabulary!  Let's go 😊

First of all let's have a look at different types of food.

 Which one do you like the most?))
There is the list of the most common food. 

Творог - Cottage cheese

Сметана - Sour cream

Сливки - Cream

Молоко - Milk

Кефир - Kefir

Сливочное масло - Butter

 Now let's learn some fruits. 


Я обожаю фрукты, особенно бананы!I do like fruits, especially bananas. What about you?
Watch the video to learn different food. 


Колбаса - Salami

Сосиски - Sausages

Мясо - Meat

  There are different types of meat. The main ones are:

Говядина - Beef

Баранина - Mutton

Свинина - Pork

Курица - Chicken

 I hope you're not vegetarian because now we are moving to dishes made from meat) 


The two useful verbs for you to learn are ЕСТЬ и ПИТЬ. See theiir conjugation to speak correct Russian.

There are so many drinks you can find around the world. Learn some popular drinks in Russia.


Generally soft drinks fall into 2 groups: горячие напитки (hot drinks) and холодные напитки (cold drinks)

Кофе – Coffee

Чай – Tea

Какао – Cacao drink

Вода - Water

Сок - Juice

Компот - Compote (at first we boil the fruit and add sugar, that's RUssian компот)

Молочный коктейль – Milkshake

Минеральная вода/Минералка – Mineral water

Газированная минералка – Sparkled water

Негазированная минералка – Still water

And the last food category for today is pastry.


 WHo is the  big fan of pastries like I am?????


Watch the video to learn how these words are pronounced and to see main meals in Russian. 

See you👀😀😀😀

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